A Croshayed Butterfly

This gurl is obsessin' over different croshayed butterfly patterns.

It's probably 'cause I have spring fever!
My tulips, daffys and hyacinths are poppin' up and I'm itchin' to see them bloom.
Some sunshine would help.

Have you tried the Waterlogue app yet?  
It turns your photos into a watercolor painting.
Here's the same picture usin' the app.

I've tried different pictures and can attest that not all turn out how you'd expect, but it's
certainly something different and interestin' to play with.

Ya never know though.  
Your picture could to be a wonderful watercolor print!


  1. love the crochey butterfly - can we get the pattern ?? Please :0)

  2. Howdy Debi! I purchased that particular pattern on Etsy here:http://www.etsy.com/listing/93785660/crochet-pattern-butterfly-3d-instant?ref=shop_home_active_15

    There are other free butterfly patterns that I've noted on my Pinterest Croshay board. You might wanna check those out. :)

  3. Elfi-jo.blgspot.com12:13 PM

    Beautiful Butterfly!
