Freebie Friday

I was out thrifting recently and found these books. I already own a copy of the Better Homes & Gardens vintage garden binder book but couldn't pass up another one, so I thought I'd give it away on my blog. This is in great condition. Just leave a comment and I'll have a drawing on Sunday.

And check this one out! It's a bit ragged on the spine, but the illustration is wonderful. The 'muscle' is killin' me! I'm not giving it away though. Just the garden book. :P


  1. Hi Maize, Please enter me in the drawing. Now that were finally getting some sunshine here in Seattle, I need to catch up on my gardening and this book will come in handy! Thank you, Susan

  2. Mazie-
    I would LOVE the books, I already have the one from the series on decorating. It's always good to have groups of three!

  3. Too cute!! I love striking gold like that.

  4. Id love the book, although I live in England so I don't think it would be fair to expect you to pay all that shipping.
    Goodluck everyone!

  5. what a great find. I have just started a garden on my patio. It is so foreign but I cant wait for the fresh veggies to start popping up!
