Random Blog Post

[image via BHG]
Aren't these the cutest?
They're laundry tips from 1961.

You can download, print and then frame them for your laundry room!  
Find yours here.

[image via jujubeandlolo.com]

I've been intending to make one of these since it was first posted on the internet years ago.  
Maybe this year!  Find the free pattern here.

[image via michael kors]

I wanty this sweater!!  But not for $995!!
Anyone know of a similar pattern?

[image via Photo Jojo]
Verizon is finally carrying the Iphone and when I get one, I'm going to order this decal for the front.  Too cool!

One of my goals this year is to raise a few chickens.  I'd love to have fresh eggs year round!  I want to buy some Ameraucana chicks, so I've been researching and reading up on how to raise backyard chickens and building a chicken coop.  I can see Violet getting to know these little babies.  It'd be so much fun!  
If any of you raise chickens, please email me with tips!

The frigid weather has had me hunkered down crocheting and I managed to come up with my first ever hat pattern!  I can't wait to share it with you.  Hopefully, next week!

I'm also working on getting all of the DIY tutorials I've shared on my blog in one easily accessible place.  
I've been blogging since 2005 so it's proven to be more work than I thought!



  1. I just LOVE you post... so much to absorb. I like the laundry room pics. Don't really have a laundry room... but, I have a laundry "corner", and I'm trying to figure out how to make at LEAST one of those pics work for me. Thank you for sharing..... I am just LOVING all your posts.

  2. Thanks for the fun post. I just downloaded the laundry pdfs & shared the link w/my FB group! :) & a link to your blog!

  3. I've been trying really hard to talk my boyfriend into letting me raise some chickens this year too. I think he's almost convinced and I can't wait!! Now to talk him into making the coop too. haha
