Crafts From Days Gone By...

 I was visiting my mother recently and discovered that her house is full of crafts I did way back in the 1980's.  I can count on my mother to never throw anything I've made away.  These are baskets I wove out of paper coil and yarn when I was living in Alaska.  I entered a large one at Fur Rendezvous one year and won!

 This is a doll I made out of a mop.  They were very popular back then!

 And when the Cabbage Patch dolls were all the rage and I couldn't get my hands on one for my daughter, I made her a similar looking one out of nylons.
 I embroidered this when I was in the 10th grade for my mom's birthday.  I can tell I spent a lot of time on it as the stitching is pretty good!  It hangs in her bedroom.

 I made this wreath out of grapevine and store bought flowers.  Can't believe she still has this hanging in the spare room.

And, this is CLASSIC!  We made these in Girl Scouts, of course.  It has a pop top as the hanger on the back.  Spray painted rocks, what a great choice.  :P  Troop 413!  YEAH BABY!


  1. What a blast from the past. I had forgotten about mop dolls!

  2. Wow!!! Gotta love those crafts from the 80's. Brought back such memories. Recently visited my mother in law, and she had my "old" crafts that I had given her as gifts, all over her house too.... it was GREAT! Thanks for sharing!
