Straw Tote with Doily DIY

This was my inspiration.
$35 at Aldo.

 I found this in the Buck Spot at Target for $2.50.
It has a pink lining.  :)

This is my version.
I dug through my thrifted vintage doily stash, pinned it on the bag and then glued it with Weldbond.
Make sure to use a glue that dries clear.

I saved over $40 with shipping costs and now I have a cute summer tote for only $2.50!


  1. Fabulous tote hack! My grandmother made beautiful doilies and I wish I had one of hers.

  2. That looks great... love the vintage doily... beautiful!

  3. Fantastic! :) Oh my gosh, this is the second Target tote I've seen this week that was on sale...I really need to keep my eyes open when I'm at Target! I think this is telling me I need to head over I can make this tote! :)
