The Make Someone Happy Project

When this gurl goes into crafty mode, she makes a lot of one thing in various colors.  
I only have so many people I can give what I make to, so there's a pile of stuff that sits in boxes.  

I go crazy that way.

I've done my fair share of making and donating things for charities across the world, but last night I decided people in my own community could use a little cheering up. 

 I have a ton of crochet flower pins and I thought I'd attach a tag to each and enclose them in clear sandwich bags.  

I'm planning on leaving them in various places around town where I hope someone will find them and it will bring a smile to their face.

I wanted to wrap them up all cute, but then remembered people are very skittish these days with packages left in public places.  I certainly wouldn't want the bomb squad to blow up a little crocheted flower.  Heavens no!  That's why I decided the clear sandwich bag was a better idea.  Plus, if it rains the gifty won't get wet.

I thought I'd share my 'Make Someone Happy' Project with you and hope you'll join me by doing the same in your community.

In the meantime, enjoy one of my favorite songs of my youth.  

It's sure to bring a smile to your face.