Hello Perfect!

Alexa & Angela over at Hello Perfect asked me to bling out one of their DreamCatcher tees.

Of course, I was happy to oblige.

I added some pink sequins to the dreamcatcher and embroidered on the feather portion.

Since I like wearing long sleeve tees in the winter, I cut some stretchy lace and sewed it on the sleeves.


Hello Perfect is an inspirational fashion blog advocating the challenge in life is not to become perfect, it's accepting that you already are.  {Even at age 51, I still have a problem with that!} 

Alexa & Angela are two 20-somethings who want to change the world and redefine society's definition of perfection.  

They believe your unique flaws are what makes you perfect, your perception creates your reality and you have the power to accomplish anything you dream.

They are two girls in love with fashion, living in wanderlust, and dancing through life.  

They'd love for you to DIY your own DreamCatcher Tee and send them a picture so they can feature it on their site.  

Rock on gurls!