This gurl's really into florals lately.
Imagine my delight when I discovered IKEA was selling these adorable napkins!
I just couldn't bring myself to actually use them as napkins, so I decided to cut out the designs and modge podge them onto stuff. I used my embroidery scissors to cut the designs out as the the paper is very delicate. You'll get four designs per napkin so you'll have enough to cover more things in your home. Once you start you won't be able to stop.
Floral water decals are hard to find these days but napkins do the trick at a thrifty price!
Just brush a thin layer of modge podge over the glass first, then attach your cut out design and modge podge over it.
I think it gives the bottle a vintage feel.
I used the same technique on this paper lantern hanging over my laundry area.
Excuse the pipes--I live in a 1930's brick cottage.
I'm going to attach more roses to some wood boxes I have.
It's addicting!