I had to go up a rather steep hill and luckily there wasn't any traffic behind me. As I was approaching the crest, two boys were on the sidewalk walking next to me and were keeping the same pace as I was. I started laughing so hard I almost had to pull over! It reminded me of the scene in "Dumb & Dumber" when Jim Carey & Jeff Daniels were riding on the scooter together. From here on out, every time I get on the scooter I'll be smiling from ear to ear.
Anyway, look at what I found! A great panel of fabric printed with 1776 designs. This brought back a flood of memories from the Bicentennial and what a huge celebration it was. I remember when the Statue of Liberty was completely refurbished and how hard they worked to get it done in time. Ten years later, I got the chance to visit her. When I climbed up to the top of the crown, I was in tears. I had anticipated the opportunity to do so ever since I was a child growing up in Montana and to finally be there was a dream come true. It's a beautiful tribute to America.
Aren't these Dutch rub-ons great? I can see them on a shabbied white wood box.
The Bunny Love panel! Oh my! I haven't seen one of these VIP prints in a very long time. The calico printed material was just too much for me to pass up.
And a vintage 1982 fabric calendar from Australia. Where were you in '82? I have some friends in Australia and I'm going to have to come up with something cool for this. Haven't decided whether it should be a pillow of some sort or a quilted wall hanging. Anyone have any ideas?
You could make a beach bag out of the calendar, either whole of appliquing on the pictures individually...
Good job. We don't have a St V de P here :o(
My Stash Flash
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