
Rafting the Madison

After spending 5 months in Afghanistan, Levi was able to come home for two weeks R&R before returning for another 7 months.

I'm lucky enough to have a great friend who invited us along to raft the Madison. Violet got to try out her new life jacket. She looks like a little handbag and didn't mind getting carried around like one!

She's quite the little Mariner. She walked around on the edges of the raft, but did fall in one time. She was smart enough to dog paddle back to the boat though! The Madison isn't very deep, so she was never in any real danger.

I'm gonna get one of those blow up recliners and raft down by myself next year!

Thanks for a wonderful lazy day Mikey! We all enjoyed ourselves!

Levi even got a chance to row. Gosh, I'm really gonna miss him!
Semper Fi!
Godspeed Son!

1 comment:

Esther Sunday said...

The shot of Violet being carried around is sooo funny! Looks like fun! Yep, thanks for serving our country, Levi! You make us proud! Go Semper Fi!