
No Knot Embroidery

The Alabama Stitch book inspired me to start embroidering on these little muslin bags. Natalie describes "loving your thread" before you start stitching. Basically, while you're running your fingers over your thread to straighten it you say to yourself "I'm making this special for someone I love." I thought that was completely adorable. These were stitched without any knots or a plan. I just let the needle guide me. I start stitching on the outside of the bag and leave the frayed ends as part of the look I want to achieve.

I've been unable to post regularly because personal matters have taken up a lot of my attention. Ever since my Gram died, we've been under constant attack by our neighbors regarding the remodeling of our home. It's been a very trying time and we certainly would appreciate your prayers.

As you can tell, I'm thinking a lot about homes and trees. A person's home is so very personal. It is a place where your heart is, it's your sanctuary and somewhere you should feel safe. Unfortunately, a lot of that has been ripped away from us. I feel very sad about it because Buck and I were so excited to have a new home and now we're just trying to finish it so we can sell it and move away.

We've found some places in Montana with a lot of acreage, so maybe that's where we'll end up. I've always wanted to move back and maybe God is telling me that now is the time. Life is too short to live in a place where people watch your every move and literally hate you. It gives me an upset stomach which causes me to lose weight. I guess that's a bonus.

I pray every day to remain calm in the middle of the storm. I've had a lot of storms in my life and I'm getting to the age where I'd really like to have less of them. If it means moving away, well then I guess that's what we'll have to do. I'm sad, but it's just a house.

My heart is broken but it needs to heal somewhere else.


Kimberly said...

Florida is great if you don't mind hurricanes! We have great beaches and cool rivers.

Norma said...

Don't know you but I'll say a prayer for you. I hear you about your house being personal and should be a haven. Sorry your under personal attack. Take care.

Esther Sunday said...

You must be able to find peace in your home... come out to Montana or Idaho! I'll be waiting for ya...

Junie Moon said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I shall certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope for a resolution that brings you happiness.

Macy said...

I feel for you so much. I am in the same situation, remodeling a home just to move away. I feel so un-connected from my home. I would paint my walls turquoise, yellow, red, purple . . .anything, but I have to think about someone who might not "enjoy" my asthetic. I have found joy in my yard . . .although it's currently a disaster. I really LOVE reading your blog, it is an inspiration and you are in my prayers.


jenny said...

I've been following you for a bit now - I was wondering how this would all pan out with the neighbors. It must be exhausting to live that way.

Enjoy your trip to Montana, sending good thoughts your way.